New Regulations on Text Messaging for Personal Injury Law Firms

Personal injury law firms have relied on text messaging as a primary method of communication with their clients for years.

The Impact of New Regulations on Text Messaging for Law Firms

With the new 10 DLC (10-digit long codes) messaging regulations coming into effect on March 31, 2023, this process of texting clients may become more complicated. In this article, we’ll discuss what these new regulations will mean for businesses that use text messaging for communications, specifically personal injury law firms.

Current Process of Communicating with Clients Through Text Messaging

Text messaging has been a popular method of communication for many personal injury law firms due to its convenience and speed. Lawyers can quickly and easily send messages to clients about case updates, appointments, and other important information.

However, there are currently no regulations in place for using text messaging in a business context.

New Regulations and Their Impact on Law Firms

The new 10 DLC messaging regulations will require businesses that use text messaging to register their 10-digit long codes with the messaging platform they use. This will mean that there will likely be fees associated with registration.

Businesses will also need to ensure that they comply with new guidelines for messaging content, opt-in processes, and opt-out processes.

What This Means for Personal Injury Law Firms

Personal injury law firms that rely heavily on text messaging will need to adapt to these new regulations to continue communicating with their clients. Failure to comply with the new regulations could result in legal consequences, including fines and loss of service.

Law firms that do not prepare for these changes risk losing clients to competitors who are better equipped to handle these new requirements.

What Law Firms Should Do Now to Prepare for the Change

As the March 31, 2023 deadline for registration requirements for 10 DLC messaging approaches, it’s important for personal injury law firms to prepare for changes in their text messaging practices. Here are some steps they can take:

  • Review current text messaging practices to ensure compliance with the new regulations
  • Consider alternative communication methods such as apps like Quilia to manage case updates and client communication
  • Proactively communicate these changes to clients, explaining the need for new processes, and addressing any concerns or questions they may have.

Preparing for the Future of Texting Communication

The new 10 DLC messaging regulations will have a significant impact on personal injury law firms that rely on text messaging as a primary method of communication with clients.

Future of Texting Communication

Law firms should take steps now to prepare for these changes, including reviewing their current practices, exploring alternative methods of communication, and proactively communicating these changes to clients. By doing so, law firms can continue to provide excellent service to their clients while remaining compliant with these new regulations.

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Kenny Eliason
As the CEO and cofounder of Quilia, Kenny is an experienced entrepreneur, public speaker, and legal expert. He regularly contributes his industry knowledge and insights on personal injury issues and their impact on the client experience to the Quilia blog. As a frequent presenter at conferences and events, Kenny provides valuable insights and actionable advice for the personal injury industry.